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ACHTUNG: Dieses Wiki dokumentiert die Anfangszeit des Fablab Cottbus e.V. und ist nicht aktuell. Für aktuelle Informationen, schau dich auf https://fablab-cottbus.de um oder schreibe uns eine Mail an info@fablab-cottbus.de! |
This Page belongs to the Open Source Bee Hive Project
This Site is about the board which is going to collect and send the data to the server.
The smart citizen board
It's a small, low energy consuming board compatible to the arduino software IDE. It consists of 2 boards:
- The Base-board which has a Atmel Mega 32U4-AU microcontroller to process data and manages connection to the computer (if connected). Also there's a Wifi module installed to connect with wireless lan and the internet.
- The Ambient-board which is a sensor shield, collecting data from the environment